We're a small group of locals interested in connecting community and government

We're a small group of locals interested in connecting community and government in Mount Alexander Shire.

We believe that open, respectful dialogue between community, elected representatives, and people working in government is key to bettering communities for its people. (More about us)

Focus 2024 -2025: Mount Alexander Shire

Our goal for 2024-2025 is to increase understanding of council, amplify community voices and to encourage people to run for council in the October elections.

The problem and opportunity

  • Too many people don’t know what council does & how they can influence what Council does.
  • People feel disconnected and cynical about Council.
  • There are more wards in Mount Alexander Shire now, we deserve to have candidates who reflect us and will work with us.
  • Councillors, leadership & staff are low on time and money, and have both day-to-day and long-term decisions that impact everyone.

Goals for 2024

  • Increase understanding that there is an election in October
  • We want more candidates to run
  • We need to support them before & after the election
  • We want to facilitate community voices reaching Council and Councillors.

How you can get involved

  • Attend an event (Subscribe / follow)
  • Host an event (Get in touch)
  • Share your feedback (Survey)
  • Help us organise (Contact us)

Mt Alexander Council 2024 Elections Key Info


  • 9 Sept 2024: Candidate nominations open
  • 17 Sept 2024 (12 noon): Candidate nominations close
  • Late September - mid October: Meet the candidates event/s (TBC)
  • From Monday 7 October ballot papers sent by mail
  • 7 October - 25 October 2024 vote and return ballot by mail or election office
  • Ballots must be received by 6pm Friday 25 October in the electorate office or by 12 noon 1 November by mail to be counted
  • 15 Nov: Results declared

If you are blind or have low vision, you can register to get your ballot pack in large print or braille. Registrations are open until 5 pm on Tuesday 10 September. Call 03 8620 1314 to register.

Our timeline

Early 2024

We've just started forming this idea and talking to people informally about it. That includes friends, family, people who work at council, a councilor or two, community groups.

June - September

We'll be hosting events & sharing content online for anyone, to raise awareness of the elections, being a Councilor, how to support a Councilor before and after the election.

  1. Sharing experiences of past / current Councilors, Council leadership, people from other councils
  2. Help groups understand and share the needs of their communities with council


By October we hope there is much more awareness of the wards, the key issues in each community, active support for candidates.

Support for Councilors starts here: it is a challenging job that can be hard to meet requirements, but we believe if community groups help after the election, by sharing their needs, feedback and even expert opinions the Council will be more sustainable and productive.

November & beyond

We are not sure what role we can play at this point, but it could be continuing to facilitate community to Council communication to broaden the diversity of community groups to better represent the population of the shire.

We could also start focusing on State/Federal activities to get greater connection between locals and those levels of government.

Get in touch

Thank you for reaching out! Our team will be in touch.
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